Product Description:
Sulfamic Acid is a high-performance descaling agent ideal for removing limescale, rust, and mineral deposits from industrial equipment. Its versatility makes it a key ingredient in cleaning formulations and pH adjustment. Ensure safe handling to maximize its effectiveness.
IUPAC Name: Sulfamic Acid
Other Names: Amidosulfonic Acid, Aminosulfonic Acid, Amidosulfuric Acid
Molecular Formula: H₃NSO₃
CAS Number: 5329-14-6
Molecular Mass: 97.10 g/mol
Density: 2.15 g/cm³ (at 20°C)
Appearance: White crystalline solid
Odor: Odorless
Sulfamic acid is widely used as a descaling agent for removing limescale and rust in industrial equipment. It is also utilized in cleaning formulations, pH adjustment, and paper manufacturing.
Store in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated area, away from moisture and incompatible materials.
Contact with eyes and skin may cause irritation; use gloves and goggles during handling. Avoid inhalation of dust to prevent respiratory irritation.
GHS Hazard Symbols:
Exclamation Mark (⚠️): Indicates irritation risk.
Corrosive (☠️): Indicates potential damage to metals or skin.
NFPA 704 Ratings:
Health (Blue): 2
Flammability (Red): 0
Reactivity (Yellow): 0
Technical Support:
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The information provided is for general informational purposes only. We cannot guarantee its accuracy or suitability for specific purposes. Users are advised to independently verify information and adhere to safety precautions. We disclaim any liability for damages or injuries resulting from the use of this information. Users should consult experts and regulatory authorities for comprehensive guidance on chemical handling and safety.